Monday, September 28, 2009


So, Hayden quite often lets Thad and I know what is "mommy's" or what is "daddy's". For example, he points to the guitar and says daddy. He points to my clothes or something and says mommy..... ( now that i think of it, not alot of things are mine). So today we are at the grocery store and we buy chips like we do every week and Hayden says "Daddy". When we check out he also tells the attendant Daddy when she scans the bags. It is so cute. Really, the chips are for daddy, he eats them in his lunch and shares with Hayden when he gets home. If Daddy is having chips, you better believe hayden is having them too. But its so cute.......One thing they share that mommy is not apart of ( she gets her own bag sometimes!)

1 comment:

Akin's said...

how sweet! im impressed with hayden. that's too cute :) micah hasnt started this one yet...