Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Day from Hell

SO, yesterday I subbed ( or as they say here, guest taught) for a third grade class at a school i had not been before. I walked in and after 5 min i knew it was not going to be an easy day. I read the teachers plans and discovered that the class had had a sub the day before but i guess for some odd reason she decided she didn't want to see them again the next day? I wonder why?
Well once they walked girl was a problem from the start. the most mouthy, obnoxious, ignorant....shall i go on.....little girl. The principal came to talk to her twice in the first 30 min of class. One boy was also a problem but we worked together and had a great day. And there was another girl, lets say A, that would not stay in her seat the whole day.
To make a long story short, I should have sent 3 kids to the office 3 times, but I didn't. I yelled at them, (and i dont yell) they would not listen, candy did not work, games did not work, taking away recess did not work........i didnt know what else to do!?
So the day finally ends and I am leaving and I notice my phone won't turn on. And i am wondering why it is off anyways? One of the students stole my cell phone battery!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was livid! to say the least. And i am pretty sure i know who it is because she said to me, " you have a cool phone" and my phone is not cool, its old and basic. I admit, before lunch it was in my purse, but after lunch i left it on the desk............but really, a third grader stole it. I dont ' care where I left it, it doesn't give her rights to steal it. Stealing is stealing.
SO............i have called teh school twice and they said they are dealing with it but that the ass. principal was out yesterday so she has alot to catch up on and she is working on it! DO you think i am impressed by that answer?! It is 1230 and she still has not called me back, and i have called! I am trying to be patient, and trying to have a christian attitude, but its not coming easy..............but i better get it back, so they better be disciplined properly!
so, after all that, I am not working any more this week!

1 comment:

ruth said...

sounds like my teaching life last year. imagine that every single day!